
關於臺北文創記憶中心 About TNHCC

「臺北文創記憶中心」為臺北文創於 2015 年發起的長期計畫,期待每年透過「放大生活中理所當然的小事」,喚起大家的記憶共鳴和文化認同,在「識別身份」之後,對自身文化產生自信與驕傲。

How do we find our unique “cultural identity” under the increasing trend of globalization?
“TNH Creative Center (TNHCC)” was launched in 2015 as a long-term project by Taipei New Horizon (TNH) , seeking to evoke culture awakening through different common objects of daily life, prompting the reflection to find one’s cultural identification and acknowledgement, establishing our pride and confidence in Taiwanese culture.

| 計畫緣起 |

2015 年,臺北文創發起「臺北文創記憶中心」計劃,由顧問企劃公司 Plan b 每年協同各類團隊針對不同主題操刀執行。整體計畫以「識別身份」為核心價值,試圖在全球化的同質性潮流下,找尋屬於臺灣的「文化識別」會是什麼?藉釐清「我們從哪裡來、正在哪裡」,進而知道我們「即將往哪裡去」。

| 核心概念 |


獎項 Awards

  1. 2016 臺北設計獎|臺北市長獎
  2. 2017 紅點傳達設計獎 Red Dot Award|Winner
  3. 2017 Shopping Design Award|最佳概念展覽活動
  4. 2018 臺北設計獎|公共空間設計類優選
  5. 2018 金點設計獎|整合設計類 金點獎章
  6. 2018 金點設計獎|年度特別獎社會設計獎
  7. 2018 Shopping Design Award|年度最佳展覽概念活動
  8. 2019 金點設計獎|整合設計類 金點獎章

計劃發起單位 Project Initiator

打造華人新文化地標 提升臺灣文創競爭力
臺北文創由富邦建設、台灣大哥大於 2009 年共同發起、2013 年開始營運,秉持推動臺灣文創產業發展的初衷,致力串連跨領域文創資源,協助市府將松山文創園區打造為城市創意核心。為建立與專業文創工作者對話平台、攜手匯聚臺灣文創聲量,2015 年起開辦《臺北文創記憶中心》,串連臺灣跨世代、跨領域設計師,每年透過不同主題的策展內容梳理文化脈絡,為臺灣凝聚對於文創的自信與驕傲。

Taipei New Horizon ( TNH ) was established in 2009 by Fubon Land and Taiwan Mobile, opening in 2013 as an important cultural and creative base, helping the city to turn Songshan Cultural and Creative Park into a creative hub and kick-start the development of Taiwan’s creative economy.
TNH Creative Center ( TNHCC ) was launched in 2015 to encourage collaboration between artists and creative practitioners, enabling their voices to be heard. The initiative has brought together Taiwanese designers across different fields and generations through annual exhibitions, with different themes that explores the cultural aspects of our daily lives, building our confidence in Taiwanese culture and creatives.
Other than TNHCC, the Taipei New Horizon Creative Festival was also launched in 2015 as a competition of creative ideas for young people, providing not only prizes but also funding, venues, mentorships and marketing support, constantly discovering young creative talents and supporting their first steps in their careers.